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What is the way forward for recycling plastic enterprises with environmental protection

Release time:2022-08-16 10:58:17      Hits:85

"Xiao Li, I haven't taken the goods from your family for a long time. How many recycled materials do you have? Give me a few tons."

"I'm sorry, brother Wang. My family has turned to plastic products instead of recycled materials."

"Why did you change your profession or quit doing this before?"

"With the issuance of the prohibition order and the strict inspection with the Ministry of environmental protection here, if you do not change your profession, you will have to stop production."

"This way..."

In recent years, for the plastic people who still adhere to the recycling plastic industry, it can be said that they have been "climbing and rolling" all the way in the predicament. Various factors such as the high pressure of environmental protection policies and the "waste prohibition order" implemented last year have made this industry experience an unprecedented development dilemma. How to continue the development of the recycled plastic industry has become a worry for every recycled plastic person.

Environmental protection high-pressure "one size fits all", recycled plastic people suffer

Zui in recent years, with the domestic attention to environmental protection and pollution control, the environmental protection departments in various regions have stepped up the supervision of the enterprises that cause pollution. Due to the strict accounting system, those production enterprises with "scattered pollution" naturally face the treatment of being shut down, However, some recycled plastic manufacturers said: "if this method is completely followed, many small and medium-sized enterprises in the recycled plastic industry will be shut down." Strict environmental protection supervision is certainly a good thing, but to handle everything in a simple and crude "one size fits all" way is undoubtedly a contradiction between the manufacturing enterprises and the environmental protection departments, which can not be careless for the great cause of pollution control.

At the end of last month, the spokesperson of the Ministry of ecological environment made a statement in response to the phenomenon of "one size fits all" of local environmental protection supervision and inspection: in the process of environmental law enforcement, we should emphasize taking facts as the basis and the law as the yardstick, and insist on proceeding from reality and acting according to law. It is necessary to persist in classified rectification. Enterprises with legal procedures and meeting the requirements of ecological and environmental protection shall not take centralized measures to stop production; For enterprises that have legal procedures but fail to meet the requirements of ecological and environmental protection, targeted measures shall be taken according to specific problems; Enterprises without legal procedures and failing to meet the requirements of ecological and environmental protection shall be investigated and dealt with according to law and regulations. Even for enterprises with heavy pollution, rectification opinions will be put forward and the time limit for rectification will be given. Only those enterprises that are really hopeless or even refuse to rectify will be resolutely shut down according to law.

Although the "one size fits all" behavior of the environmental protection department can not be completely eradicated at present, it may also give the heavy pressure of recycled plastic people a chance to breathe.

"Ban on waste" makes recycled plastic industry blow "the wind of the fittest"

The recycled plastic industry in the whirlpool is not only under the heavy pressure of environmental protection policies, but also the "waste prohibition order" has become another mountain on the recycled plastic industry since last year.

China is one of the largest countries in the world for recycling waste plastics. According to the data, the domestic import of waste plastics alone accounts for half of the global export of waste plastics. Such a large amount of waste plastic resources has provided a large amount of raw materials for the domestic recycled plastic industry in the past period. Since the implementation of the "waste prohibition order" last year, the domestic recycled plastic industry has been able to obtain less and less "foreign garbage" resources. This year, the "waste prohibition order" has been upgraded again. After December 31 of this year, the waste plastic resources from industrial sources will also be prohibited from import, The more than 20 years of operation of domestic recycled plastic industry relying on imported "foreign garbage" will come to an end. This also means that the domestic recycled plastic industry will inevitably blow the wind of "survival of the fittest and elimination of the fittest". How to stand firm in this strong wind and continue to move forward is an urgent problem for all manufacturers in the industry.

Sometimes the "crisis" of the industry is also a turning point, and the shortage of raw materials also has a negative effect on the domestic recycled plastic industry. Apart from the enterprises that stop production and transform, some enterprises have started to establish their own recycling system in China to make up the raw material gap of "foreign garbage" with "native garbage". Some investors choose to set up factories abroad to process the "foreign garbage" that cannot enter the country into granules for re import.

The two waves of strict environmental protection policy and "waste prohibition order" have eliminated many unfit people in the domestic recycled plastics industry. The recycled plastics people who still adhere to and stand firmly in the whirlpool need to think deeply and face how to speed up the construction of their own recycling system and ensure the stability of raw material supply; And how to cooperate with the environmental protection policy to move towards the track of standardized, orderly, green and sustainable development.

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